Прва архивска установа у БиХ и члан Међународног архивског вијећа

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Reisa Džemaludina Čauševića 6, Sarajevo


The education of stuff for archival service is one of the biggest problems of archival service in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Archival service in Bosnia-Herzegovina never had enough professional stuff. Archival science, also, has never been on appropriate way in school programs.

In former Yugoslavia, the first project of education was 7-months course in Dubrovnik (Croatia) in 1950. Some archival employees from Bosnia-Herzegovina attended that course. Program of this course, with archival science, had paleography, diplomatics, chronology, sphragistics, heraldics, Latin, Italian, development of state and legal sistems of countries of former Yugoslavia, dialectical and historical materialism, political economics and history of Yugoslav nations. This program was a base for education of archival stuff and their professional examines.

In 1952. in Belgrade (Serbia) began a higher archival course, that became a constant course. From Bosnia-Herzegovina 14 employees (6 archivists) finished this course.

In socialistic period, Commission for professional examines worked in The Archives of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

On Department for history of Philosophy Faculty in Sarajevo, from time to time, have been lectures on archival science, mostly as a part o auxilliary historical sciences.

DSC02403.gif Unique schoolarly system of education in Bosnia-Herzegovina was directed higher school in First gimnasium in Sarajevo, began in 1981.

Education was organized to give knowledge about archival science, procession of archives, making finding aids, auxilliary historical sciences, records management, restauration of papers and informatics. In nine years of this system, 152 schoolars is educated for archival work, but real results were not satisfactorily, because of very small number of employees in archival institutions.

Improving in stuff brought the Agreement on professional titles in archival service of Bosnia-Herzegovina (1975). On the base of this Agreement, until 1991. their professional title got 55 employees.

Significant role in education of stuff had a Society of Archivists of Bosnia-Herzegovina through annual meetings.

Today, archival stuff their titles got through professional examines. Commissions on this examines are organized on entity level,and in some of cantons in Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.